Sunday, July 19, 2009

For the Clean Obsessed

I have come to appreciate two things GREATLY in this new house of ours. Let me share:

Pledge Fabric Sweeper
Um, hello, all that gray stuff inside of this is cat hair. That used to be on our pretty new brown comforter. But now it's not. Thanks to a few small sweeps back and forth. Do I hate cat hair on my bed? Yes. Do I have to put up with it? No. Thank you, Pledge. Get one. Now. They are amazing.

Eureka Superlite Vacuum
When I first met Jeff I came to know his tiny vacuum. I thought to myself, "this guy can't be serious with this tiny vacuum." But he was. I wasn't. So it stayed in the closet. Until now. It is PERFECT for vacuuming stairs. And corners. And much to my delight, quickly running over the wood floors to pick up cat hair. I mean, I still love my bissel. But this little Eureka is awesome.

And just for fun. Jeff changing the brakes. Yep. He is that good. He can paint, throw pottery, build tables, landscape yards, teach, speak Spanish, and so much more AND he can change brakes. This guy is amazing. I think I'll keep him. :)


Blomgrens said...

1. Amazing hubby.
2. Love the new look here.
3. You crack me up with the commentary on the Pledge Fabric Sweeper!

Kim said...

L.O.V.E. it, Ter!!! This cracked me up! You gotta do a part 2 okay? Also love the new look.....soooo cute!

Annie said...

Teri, Haven't checked out the blog in ages. Looks like you've had some changes in your life lately! I'm so very excited for you! I hope the we can meet your family at Christmas at your Gramma's this year. Look forward to it whenever it happens. Take of yourself & loved ones and hope to see ya soon! Love, Ann

An open letter to the school district

 So the plan for school this year, at the K-5 level, was pretty complicated to begin. (the plan was made after lots of meeting and planning ...