Monday, August 17, 2009


I wish I had one. I think I might, but can't put words to it. In any case, Jody has passion! I've been following her blog as she and her husband Andy and their 4 children went through the adoption process of adding 2 Sierra Leonian babies to their family. I went to college with her sister, Jess, who is one of my all time favorite people! Jodi was just honored by Lifetime! So anyway, check these people out. Please! And get passionate. It's remarkable!

PS. both Jody's Hubby and Jess's Hubby are musicians and super talented. Check them out, too!

1 comment:

Sarah said...

That is amazing! She is inspiring for sure! Thank you for sharing.

And as soon as you manage to find the words to share your passion... I want to hear all about it!

Love you, friend!

An open letter to the school district

 So the plan for school this year, at the K-5 level, was pretty complicated to begin. (the plan was made after lots of meeting and planning ...