(I wish I could have taken a better picture, but this will have to do.)
1/2 cup yogurt
1 small clove garlic, crushed
10.5 oz baby spinach
1 oz butter
herbed salt (not sure what this is, but I used Season All and it was delish)
4 tomatoes halved
1 tablespoon white vinegar
8 eggs
loaf of your fave bread (recipe calls for rye, we used french)
Mix yogurt and garlic for the dressing (PS, I hate garlic and thought the yogurt would have been awesome just plain. PPS Jeff didn't like the yogurt at all)
Wash spinach and place in large saucepan wiht water clinging ot leaves. Cook, covered over low heat for 3-4 minutes or until wilted. Add the butter and aslt, set aside to keep warm.
Cook the tomatoes under a hot grill for 3-5 minutes. (a hot grill? under? I have no idea. I just broiled them for a few.)
Fill trying pan 3/4 full with cold water and add the vinegar and salt to stop egg whites from spreading. (this didn't really work for me) Bring to a gentle simmer. Gently break the eggs one by one into a small bowl and slide into the water. Reduce heat so water barely moves (whatever that means). Cook 1-2 minutes. (Um, yeah right. I cooked for at least 6 minutes and don't you worry your little head, those eggs weren't too done. Which to me, is sort of an oxy moron.) Remove eggs.
Toast bread and top with spinach, and egg and some dressing. Serve with halved tomatoes.
1 thumb up (mine, without the garlic I thought this was really tasty. I would actually remove the spinach, too, but hey, let's stay healthy together shall we.) and 1 thumb sideways. Sweet Jeff never says something is yucky, but he did say it was weird and that he didn't like the yogurt. He ate it all, but I probably won't make it again. So there you have it.
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