Saturday, November 12, 2011

Wishes for Olivia

One of the coolest things at my shower was receiving a page from each guest (and people who couldn't make it!) with their wishes for Olivia written down. I couldn't even read them at the shower or I was sure to bawl. It was such a sweet morning last week when I settled in with a cup of coffee and read them all. Thank you so much to all my friends and family who love me and Olivia and want such precious things for her. I'm planning on putting them in a little book and reading them aloud to her and telling her all about each of you. Until then I thought it would be neat to compile them here.

I HOPE THAT YOU: enjoy life; enjoy every minute; live a long, healthy and happy life; understand how loved you are; find the love of Jesus; experience joy every day; sleep (it's much easier on mommy!); see the good in every person; enjoy every moment with your mom and dad; reach for the stars; care for others; have great lifelong friends.

I HOPE YOU AREN'T AFRAID: to try new things; to dig in!; to take risks in life; to be yourself; to dream big dreams; of anything; of Santa Claus ;); to always give it your all; to follow your dreams;

I HOPE YOU LOVE: whole heartedly; to love others and yourself; life; your family deeply; and enjoy life; to laugh and dance and dream and sing; Luke! Then your mama and Kimberly can be relatives!; adventure; biting arms when you get teeth (only you, Auntie Lu!); yourself; to read; easily.

I HOPE YOU GET: all you wish for; a lifelong friend; what you strive for; to see the world; all you can from life; to realize your dreams; your mama's eyes; your mommy's contagious laugh; excited when mama does things; lots of needed sleep; the best education possible; to be a daddy's girl; your mother's smile; long lashes ;)

I HOPE YOU LAUGH: often and every day; as much as possible; a lot; at yourself; all the time; at your sweet silly kitties; like no one's looking.

I HOPE YOU NEVER FORGET: how much you are loved; what is important in life; what a gift you are to your mom and dad; to not take life too seriously; the awkward years don't last; God's love.

I HOPE YOU IGNORE; negativity; what people think of you; those who criticize you; negative comments; negative thoughts; boys! until you are 16!; those who say you can't; mean people; Auntie Lu's crazy hair :); bad advice; silly girls; other girls' opinions.

I HOPE YOU BECOME: who you want to be; confident and strong; a compassionate person; who God created you to be; the young lady of your dreams; whatever you want to be; president-we need a good one; creative, passionate and kind; whatever your heart desires; as lovable as your mom; a happy, strong and loved woman; well-rounded and fabulous; a caring friend; a strong woman.

I HOPE YOU RESPECT: everyone; your parents rules; the planet; your parents; others; the beliefs and values of others; yourself; life; all people and their differences; all living things.

I HOPE YOU GROW: smarter and wiser every day; to reach your potential; into a self-confident and loving young woman; in God's grace; up to be compassionate, up happy and healthy; to make your mama proud; slowly so you can wear all those cute baby-girl clothes!; beautiful like your mom; to be much shorter than Auntie Lu (kidding!); not too fast-enjoy life; up to be strong; up to love; up to be kind and generous.

Love, Katie, Brynn, Ashely, Erin, Auntie Lu, Jo and Everly Ivy, Carly, Kimberly, Grandma Smalberger, Great Grandma Garretson, Kim, Gramma Schurz, Aunt Fteph, Aunt Ann, Angie and Nicole


Sarah said...

I LOVE THIS! What beautiful and perfect wishes for a special baby girl!

mom said...

so fun to read these wishes. . .

Carly said...

I LOVED filling this out. It was a perfect idea. Someday, if I have a baby, I will most definitely request that my shower-thrower does this.

Andrew and Anneke said...

What a wonderful idea! That book is filled to the brim with love!

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