Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Happy Valentines Day

Livi in her pretty red outfit for Valentines Day :)


Sarah said...

Mom, dad, and baby are all beautiful!! And I am LOVING catching up on the blog... I love how you make each entry a letter to Olivia. Oh this baby girl is SO loved. I'm happy for you Ter, happy for Jeff, Cade, and Olivia too. And I eagerly anticipate WITH YOU the days when she's not quite so fussy. When baby doesn't cry as much and Mama gets more rest, things get way more fun :) (I'm speaking from experience here!)

Also (and this is what happens when I wait to long to catch up... my comments get super long too!) I am glad you & Jeff got to go out! SO important!

Love you! Happy Valentine's Day!

Kim said...

Ter, your little girl is a doll and you look absolutely gorgeous! Love, Kim

An open letter to the school district

 So the plan for school this year, at the K-5 level, was pretty complicated to begin. (the plan was made after lots of meeting and planning ...