Friday, December 5, 2014

Olivia Layne - 35 Months

Well, here we are, your third birthday almost upon us. Unbelievable! Christmas is upon us and already we've been having some great Christmassy fun. :) I think that has been my favorite thing about this month with you. The magic of Christmas. That and seeing Grandma and Grandpa Schurz. You are a delight. Anything that makes you genuinely smile and your eyes light up-that is what I live for. Oh, and don't let me forget to write down the cutest thing you've said! We had eggnog when Grandma and Grandpa came, as a special treat, and you LOVED it. The next day you asked if you could have some doorknob. I couldn't figure out what you were talking about and you told me it was that special drink we had and Daddy figured out you meant eggnog! So now we all call it door knob :) I love you to the moon and back and back and back! xoxo

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An open letter to the school district

 So the plan for school this year, at the K-5 level, was pretty complicated to begin. (the plan was made after lots of meeting and planning ...