Monday, October 24, 2011

BUMP - 29 weeks

Baby girl is now the size of a butternut squash! Perfect season, huh? :)

Trying to get a picture that wasn't same old thing in front of the mirror. I guess I need a cameraman! ;)


Mackenzie Turrill said...

HEY! You are a CUTE Mama!!! :) Thanks for you blog comment (and congrats on a GIRL! So special :) I will look at that website. I really do love cloth for sure. I have tried some hemp inserts at night in addition to our diapers...but no luck! We will see! AND, you can't use diaper cream with cloth so poor lil man is so red. I will research! YAY for babies!!! hope you're feeling good!

Carly said...

You need a cameraLADY! As I recall, it worked out pretty well in NYC ... You look adorbs, Ter! Keep up the good work! :)

An open letter to the school district

 So the plan for school this year, at the K-5 level, was pretty complicated to begin. (the plan was made after lots of meeting and planning ...